Author Archives: mikescott92

Challenge 77


Black Tiger K Cups ROCK!

Fall Series


I Dare You To Pray This!

Chan is The Man!

Sea Of Faces

This past couple of months have been a whirlwind. Family Vacations, Work, Ministry, and life in general in the Metro area. What has really been wild is the amount of people we have seen at IMAGE. Although we have lost a few people to job moves or military; we have seen more actually decide to retire early and return to the area to be a part of IMAGE or they have done and early out from the military to stay here. We have some real solid people that have decided to stay. On the other hand it has been a massive influx of people that have visited and joined that make it almost mind-boggling. This is the time of year when congregations don’t grow. I find myself trying to remember new names and be accessible to new people but also get my jobs done on Sundays. This is really cool. I am excited about the growth and the feeling of excitement there is on Sundays. I look forward to the new journey and the next phase for our church this year. The fall is going to be exciting!

Elmer Fudd

Heard this guy earlier today and he sounded just like Elmer Fudd. He was talking to some lady’s kid and he was like Hey Wook at This Wittle Guy! Everything he said cracked me up. The rest of the conversation was like this. My fwend Wicky is the Watchman at the Cemetewy ovah on 712 Fouwty Thewed Stweet.. and then something else I couldn’t hear the rest. People are awesome to observe. Try it some time.

Follow The Only Leader

Don’t wait to see what others are doing if you know what you are suppose to. It’s OK to step out and do what you are suppose to do. That is what I love about IMAGE. If we grow to be big or stay small doesn’t matter. The fact that we are doing what we know we are suppose to be doing and not swaying is what I love. Keeping our eyes on God and following His direction regardless of what trend or latest ministry fad is the most important thing.

Open Mic Summer

New Summer Series at IMAGE

Open Mic Poster 2


What’s Up Donk’s! The word is that Snookie is going to print in 6 weeks. I have attached him and he has his game face on and is ready to kick it!

Ready for Action

Ready for Action

Weekend in Review

Sorry to keep all of you on the edge of  your seats so long. OK here we go. Had a great weekend with the family. Rain on Friday kept us in the house chillin’. Went to Kings Dominion on Saturday for a business and entertainment day. The kids got to ride some rides as I met with some of the peeps there about doing some graphics for a future project for Cedar Fair Productions at Kings Dominion. After a few autographs from some of my fans that recognized me at the park I rode some rides and saw WIG there. Good to catch up. SUNDAY was great at IMAGE. The people keep packing in every week and got to meet some cool new people that are searching. Sorry to see a bunch of Families leave this year because of Military but their seats are already occupied by other’s that have joined and then some. FYI this is being typed on my new MAC since my old computer looks like it finally crapped the bed.. Later Donkeys!!!     Yeah-E-Yeah!!!!