
Hey guys I am stoked because I just got word that my cartoon strip I have been fooling around with is going to get published by a small magazine. I will have more info later about it but until then I will let you know that Snookie the Squirrel will be coming to you soon. Peace Out!!


Wow I can’t believe how awesome today was. The sun was out and I was able to play golf and then I hurried over to Starbucks and got a Triple shot and then I listened to some music and then I drove around the Beltway 2 times and then I did some paperwork and then I went to sleep.


Woke up this morning… Got myself a Beer. I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer. Well, I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer.

The futures uncertain
And the end is always near.


Woke up again today obviously because I am writing this post. Decided to shave since my face was itching. Drove my work vehicle to work. Got coffee.. Drank it and worked until break time. Ate my food and worked for the rest of the day. Now I am going to mow the yard. Look for more interesting facts tomorrow.


Got up this morning and took a shower. Decided not to shave. Four days scruff. Oh well. Brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. Took the trash out and went to work. Got to work. Worked…. Took one of my numerous UNION Breaks and ate breakfast. Came home and put stuff in the attic… Can’t wait to see what excited things life will bring tomorrow.

It’s About Time

How Pathetic am I to make another feeble attempt at blogging. This is a test to see if I get any hits. If I get any replies I may continue to bedazzle you with my penmanship skills. By the way I am currently back in the studio so look out for my new album this fall. It is going to probably be called The Androids Have Taken Over or Cat Scratch Post.. Later!

Worship Set 11.16.08

-Marvelous Light
-Rain Down
-Glory of It All
-From the Inside Out
-The Time has Come


O.K. Here comes a RANT!! Seriously folks. Do you think we really care what you are doing every second of the day. Some people Twitter their updates and that is fine. Some of the profile updates are humorous or cute. BUT ENOUGH ALREADY!! I don’t care that you just burned your mouth on chili or recorded the highest score on Ms Pacman. Shut your PIEHOLE! If you update that thing 15 times a day then you have issues. Get A LIFE!!


Wow! How many of us walk around with telephone pole size logs sticking out of our eyes. I know last night was a pivotal I-SERVE meeting in our congregation. We experienced every type of issue and joy that a lifetime of churches go without having all in one night. I had the most overwhelming feeling of hurt, joy, conviction and peace all rolled into one. The one thing that kept hitting me was how dare you think you are better than anyone. The funny thing is I wasn’t even thinking that. I guess God was just hitting me with it to make sure I keep myself in check and humble. The greatest thing I saw and experienced last night was true compassion, love, and concern pour out from people. I know God convicted me to make sure I make things right and not to judge anyone. This past week 2 Timothy has been brought in front of me on 2 different occasions by 2 separate people. In chapter 2:22-26 it talks about God’s servants being kind, patient, and correcting with gentleness. WHY? This may be the only way that God will be able to speak to those we do not care for. Therefore don’t judge; but love and be patient.


Those who know me understand that I am always concerned about the state of Christian Music being relevant today. This band really keeps the forward thinking mentality.. Thnx Rhody!